

Monday, January 17, 2011

First day

Not much going on today. I created my blog and I am ready to start detailing the events that are going to unfold in my weight loss adventure.

It is cold here in Ottawa today, minus 25, so I don't plan on going out much today. I will go to the pool after dinner and spend a couple of hours treading water.

So far today, I had a mission in mind. That was to eat as healthy as I could and be realistic at the same time.

From here on out, I am hoping that most of my days I hope will go like this, eating wise.
1 egg white omelette
2 salads with some sort of lean meat or fish
2 protein shakes

some almonds and walnuts
2 to 3 fruit a day
mulitiple servings of veggies

If I feel I am having a good day or week, i am sure to throw in a Latte as well. As I do enjoy a hot beverage once and while.

I also plan to drink at least 5 bottles of water per day. Minimum.

I have an appointment to get weighed on Jan 19, I will post my weight after seeing my doctor.
wish me luck

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